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Modelling Portfolio
Here's a selection of our modelling work. We're experienced in creating our own concept art in-house to assist with modelling, or working with external artists to realise and translate their vision.
No Longer Home
No Longer Home is our first published game. Memories through the mediium of games, dealing with loss, love, identity, and the voilence of borders.
Twilight Array
Twilight Array is our own project, currently at demo stage. Together we share modelling, texturing and rigging duties.

Twilight Array is set in a far future that's clinging onto sensebilities of the past. We use low poly models with a painterly style.
The Wings Of Sycamore
We were fortunate to work on the charming unreleased adventure/flight sim: The Wings Of Sycamore, a low-poly aerial ace game.

We mainly modelled objects for interior scenes.
Personal Work
A selection of our own personal modelling work.

This house is based on work by Emily Symons